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During a survey of yeasts associated with the phylloplane of several bromeliad species in Itapuã Park in southern Brazil, we isolated four orange-coloured strains which were found to represent a novel anamorphic tremellaceous (Tremellales, Agaricomycotina, Basidiomycota) yeast species, sp. nov. (type strain BI20 =CBS 10424 =NRRL Y-48112). PCR-fingerprinting profiles of the four strains with primers M13 and (GTG) were almost identical, which suggested conspecificity among the isolates. On the basis of D1/D2 26S rDNA sequence analysis, is phylogenetically closely related to other orange-coloured species, namely , , and , but differed from these species by at least six nucleotide substitutions and was thus considered a separate species. Physiological differences from , and included the inability of to assimilate citrate and to form starch-like compounds. Differentiation from can be achieved by the ability of the latter to assimilate ethylamine.


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