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An analysis of the universal target (UT) sequence from the gene was performed in order to evaluate its usefulness in phylogenetic and taxonomic studies and as an identification marker for the genus . Sequences of 555 bp, corresponding to the UT region, were obtained from a collection of 35 strains representing all of the species and subspecies of . From the analysis of these sequences, a range of divergence of 0–23.3 % was obtained, with a mean of 11.2±0.9 %. Comparative analyses between and , and 16S rRNA gene sequences were carried out from the same strain collection. Sequences of the UT region showed similar discriminatory power to and sequences. The phylogenetic relationships inferred from sequence distances indicated an excellent correlation with the present affiliation of species with the exception of subsp. , which appeared in a separate phylogenetic line, and , which exhibited a very loose phylogenetic relationship to the genus . Sequencing of from 33 additional strains also allowed us to establish intra- and interspecific threshold values. Intraspecific divergence rates were ≤3.5 %, while interspecific divergence rates fell between 3.7 and 16.9 %, excluding . In this study, UT sequencing was shown to be a universal, useful, simple and rapid method for the identification and phylogenetic affiliation of strains.

Keyword(s): UT, universal target

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vol. , part 8, pp. 1976 - 1983

Scatter plots of pairwise JC69 distances.

Consensus neighbour-joining phylogenetic tree (JC69 distance) obtained from 71 UT sequences, encompassing all of the species and subspecies of the genus .

[PDF file of Supplementary Figs S1 and S2](115 KB)

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