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Phylogenetic analyses based on 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed that and are closely related to the species of the genus . The type strain of , 170/96, exhibited 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity levels of 96.4 % to ATCC 49957, 95.0 % to TR53, 94.5 % to 173/96, 93.4 % to ATCC BAA-692 and 93.5 % to subsp. ATCC 49956, while 173/96 showed 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity values of 95.7 % to ATCC BAA-692, 95.7 % to TR53 and 95.3 % to subsp. ATCC 49956 and subsp. ATCC BAA-691. Different phylogenetic analysis methods (neighbour-joining, maximum-likelihood and maximum-parsimony) confirmed that both species are within the branch. Neither polyamine patterns (spermidine predominant) nor major characteristics in the polar lipid profiles distinguished the two species from representatives of the genus . The fatty acid composition of the two species exhibited alphaproteobacterial characteristics but, like species, they also showed considerable amounts of the rarely encountered C 2-OH. On the other hand, they showed some phenotypic differences, but their features are compatible with the transfer of these two species to the genus . We propose the reclassification of and as comb. nov. (type strain 170/96 =CIP 107418 =DSM 14915) and comb. nov. (type strain 173/96 =CIP 107419 =DSM 14916), respectively. Emended descriptions of the genus and the species (and its subspecies subsp. and subsp. ), , , and are provided.


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Phylogenetic trees, based on maximum-parsimony and maximum-likelihood, of the 16S rRNA gene sequence showing the position of , , species of and other closely related species. [PDF](21 KB)


Polar lipid profile of subsp. CIP 104026 after two-dimensional TLC and detection using molybdatophosphoric acid. PE, Phosphatidylethanolamine; DPG, diphosphatidylglycerol; PG, phosphatidylglycerol; PC, phosphatidycholine; AL1–4, unknown aminolipids; L1–10, unknown polar lipids.


Major fatty acids of the type strains of , and species. [PDF](40 KB)

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