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A bacterial strain, designated DNG6, was isolated from forest soil of the Changbai mountains, Heilongjiang province, China. Cells of strain DNG6 were Gram-negative, 0.3–0.5 μm in diameter and 1.0–2.0 μm in length, strictly aerobic and produced large amounts of extracellular fibrillar material. Growth occurred at 16–33 °C (optimum, 28 °C), at pH 6.0–9.0 (optimum, pH 7.0–7.5) and in the presence of 0–1 % NaCl (optimum, 0 %). Strain DNG6 contained MK-7 as the major respiratory quinone and iso-C (40.6 %) and summed feature 4 comprising iso-C I and/or anteiso-C B (26.5 %) as the major cellular fatty acids. The DNA G+C content was 48.1 mol% ( ). Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences indicated that the closest relative of strain DNG6 was MBRG1.5 with 93.9 % sequence similarity. Based on these results, it is concluded that strain DNG6 represents a novel species of the genus , for which the name is proposed, with strain DNG6 (=CGMCC 1.6961=NBRC 104235) as the type strain.


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vol. , part 7, pp. 1595 - 1598

Scanning and transmission electron micrographs of cells of strain DNG6 . [PDF](352 KB)

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