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A novel red-pigmented, Gram-negative, motile, fluorescent, rod-shaped strain, DZ0503SBS1, with a single lateral flagellum, was isolated from the intestine of the nematode . Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis indicated that the strain is a member of the genus , sharing highest sequence similarities with subsp. JCM 11315 (99.8 %), subsp. DSM 30121 (99.5 %) and LMG 22860 (98.3 %). Similarities between the gene sequence of strain DZ0503SBS1 and those of subsp. JCM 11315, subsp. DSM 30121 and LMG 22860 were 98.0, 97.4 and 98.3 %, respectively. DNA–DNA hybridization values of strain DZ0503SBS1 with subsp. JCM 11315, subsp. DSM 30121 and LMG 22860 were 68.2, 65.1 and 53.0 %, respectively. The major isoprenoid quinone of strain DZ0503SBS1 was Q-8 and the predominant fatty acids were C (34.76 %), cyclo-C (20.03 %) and cyclo-C 8 (17.24 %). The cyclo-C 8 content (17.24 %) was significantly different from those found in subsp. JCM 11315 and subsp. DSM 30121. Some characteristics of strain DZ0503SBS1, i.e. fluorescence and its symbiotic association with nematodes, have not been reported previously in any species of the genus . Phenotypic and biochemical characteristics and molecular data show that strain DZ0503SBS1 represents a novel species, for which the name sp. nov. is proposed; the type strain is DZ0503SBS1 (=KCTC 22130 =CGMCC 1.6853).


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