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Gram-positive-staining, anaerobic, non-spore-forming, lactate- and acetate-producing bacterial strains were isolated from the digestive tracts of different bumblebee species (, and ). All of the isolates produced fructose-6-phosphate phosphoketolase activity. A representative strain, BluCI/TP, was characterized further. Cells of strain BluCI/TP showed occasional bifurcation and irregular constrictions. The bacterium utilized a wide range of carbohydrates. Glucose was fermented to acetate and lactate. The DNA base composition was 47.2 mol% G+C. Complete 16S rRNA and partial gene sequences were obtained and phylogenetic relationships were determined. Strain BluCI/TP and related isolates were located in the actinobacterial cluster and were closely related to the genera , , and . The results presented support the proposal of a novel species to accommodate strain BluCI/TP, with the name sp. nov.; the type strain is BluCI/TP (=DSM 19703 =ATCC BAA-1567).


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