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Eleven strains of halophilic, facultative anaerobes isolated from healthy and diseased and (bony fishes) cultured in Spanish Mediterranean fisheries have been studied by a polyphasic approach that included a wide phenotypic characterization, DNA–DNA hybridization and phylogenetic analysis using 16S rRNA, and gene sequences. All strains were phylogenetically related to species and . On the basis of sequence analysis and DNA–DNA hybridization data, eight of the strains were identified as . The remaining three strains formed a tight, independent clade in all sequence analyses and showed less than 70 % DNA–DNA hybridization with strains of the closest species, from which they could be differentiated by several phenotypic traits. We conclude that these three strains represent a novel species in the genus and we thus propose the name sp. nov., with strain DAl 1-1-5 (=CECT 7320 =CAIM 661) as the type strain. In addition, we propose the reclassification of Denner 2002 as comb. nov. (type strain RE35/F12 =CIP 107077 =DSM 14347 =CECT 7414) and we provide an emended description of the genus .


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Colonies of sp. nov. DAl 1-1-5 grown on MA at 20–24 °C for 5 days, showing pigment production: (a) whole plate; (b) close-up.


Colonies of sp. nov. DAl 1-1-5 grown on MA at 20–24 °C for 5 days, showing pigment production: (a) whole plate; (b) close-up.


Maximum-parsimony (Fig. S2) and maximum-likelihood (Fig. S3) trees based on partial 16S rRNA, and gene sequences of sp. nov., comb. nov., , , and and the concatenated dataset. [PDF](29 KB)


[PDF file of Supplementary Tables S1–S3](134 KB)

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