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Eighteen isolates of a nonchromogenic, slowly growing, non-tuberculous species of the genus were cultured from respiratory specimens obtained over the last eight years from 17 patients in the Netherlands. These isolates were grouped because they revealed a unique 16S rRNA gene sequence and were related to . None of the 17 patients met the American Thoracic Society diagnostic criteria for non-tuberculous mycobacterial disease, which distinguishes the novel isolates from the related species, . A polyphasic taxonomic approach, including identification by biochemical and phenotypical analysis, gene sequencing and PCR restriction enzyme pattern analysis, and sequence analyses of the gene and 16S–23S internal transcribed spacer supported the separate species status of the novel isolates. The name sp. nov. is proposed for the novel strains. The type strain is NLA000500338 (=DSM 45145=CIP 109766). A more distinctive taxonomy of NTM is a prerequisite for the assessment of their clinical relevance.


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vol. , part 4, pp. 845 - 849

Phylogenetic relationship of the type strain of sp. nov. and related species of , based on gene sequences.

Phylogenetic relationship of the type strain of sp. nov. and related species of , based on gene sequences.

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