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Two Gram-negative strains of heterotrophic, aerobic, marine bacteria, designated PIM1 and PIN1, were isolated from seawater samples collected from the shallow coastal region of An-Ping Harbour, Tainan, Taiwan. Cells grown in broth cultures were straight rods and non-motile. The two isolates required NaCl for growth and grew optimally at 30–35 °C and 2–5 % NaCl. They grew aerobically and were not capable of anaerobic growth by fermentation of glucose or other carbohydrates. The cellular fatty acids were predominantly iso-branched, with iso-C (17.0–21.4 %), iso-C (18.2–21.0 %) and iso-C 9 (15.7–16.6 %) as the most abundant components. The predominant isoprenoid quinone was Q-8 (95.2–97.1 %). Strains PIM1 and PIN1 had DNA G+C contents of 46.6 and 46.9 mol%, respectively. Phylogeny based on 16S rRNA gene sequences and DNA–DNA hybridization, together with data from physiological, morphological and chemotaxonomic characterizations, indicated that the two isolates should be classified as representatives of two novel species of the genus of the family , for which the names sp. nov. (type strain PIM1=BCRC 17749=JCM 15083) and sp. nov. (type strain PIN1=BCRC 17750=JCM 15084) are proposed. In addition, based on the characterization data obtained in this study, it is proposed that and should be reclassified as comb. nov. and comb. nov., respectively.


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