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The aim of the present study was to re-examine the taxonomic position and structure of taxon K (also known as group K) within the complex (Bcc). For this purpose, a representative set of strains was examined by a traditional polyphasic taxonomic approach, by multilocus sequence typing (MLST) analysis and by analysis of available whole-genome sequences. Analysis of the gene sequence revealed three different lineages, designated -I, -II and -III. DNA–DNA hybridization experiments demonstrated that -I and -II isolates each represented a single novel species. However, DNA–DNA hybridization values of -II strains towards -III strains and among -III strains were at the threshold level for species delineation. By MLST, -I isolates were clearly distinguished from the others and represented a distinct lineage referred to as MLST-I, whereas -II and -III isolates formed a second MLST lineage referred to as MLST-II. A divergence value of 3.5 % was obtained when MLST-I was compared with MLST-II. The internal level of concatenated sequence divergence within MLST-I and MLST-II was 1.4 and 2.7 %, respectively; by comparison with the level of concatenated sequence divergence in established Bcc species, these data demonstrate that the MLST-I and MLST-II lineages represent two distinct species within the Bcc. The latter conclusion was supported by comparison of the whole-genome average nucleotide identity (ANI) level of MLST-I and MLST-II strains with strains of established Bcc species and by a whole-genome-based phylogenetic analysis. We formally propose to classify taxon K bacteria from the MLST-I and MLST-II lineages as sp. nov. (with strain J2956 =LMG 23361 =CCUG 55526 as the type strain) and sp. nov. (with strain 383 =ATCC 17760 =LMG 22485 =CCUG 55525 as the type strain), respectively. The MLST approach was confirmed as a valuable instrument in polyphasic taxonomic studies; more importantly, the cumulative data for about 1000 Bcc isolates analysed demonstrate that the 3 % concatenated sequence divergence level correlates with the 70 % DNA–DNA hybridization or 95 % whole-genome ANI threshold levels for species delineation.


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vol. , part 1, pp. 102 - 111

Average nucleotide identity (ANI) among the strains studied

DNA base ratios and DNA–DNA binding values (%) of all strains examined

Isolates examined by MLST, showing their source, ST and allelic profile

Single-copy core genes that were concatenated and used to construct a robust maximum-likelihood species tree

Biochemical characteristics useful for the differentiation of established Bcc species and novel taxon K clusters

[PDF file of Supplementary Tables S1-S5](510 KB)

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