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A Gram-stain-negative, strictly aerobic, motile, short-rod-shaped bacterium, designated strain THG-SQA8, was isolated from rhizosphere soil of rose in PR China. Strain THG-SQA8 was closely related to members of the genus , showed the highest sequence similarities with KACC 14105 (98.0 %) and KACC 14526 (97.4 %). DNA–DNA hybridization showed values of 35.2 ± 0.9 % and 8.8 ± 0.3 % DNA reassociation with KACC 14105 and KACC 14526, respectively. Chemotaxonomic data revealed that strain THG-SQA8 possesses menaquinone-7 as the only respiratory quinone, and summed feature 3 (Cω7 and/or Cω6), iso-C and C as the major fatty acids. The major polar lipid was phosphatidylethanolamine. The DNA G+C content was 40.7 mol%. These data corroborated the affiliation of strain THG-SQA8 to the genus . Thus, the isolate represents a novel species, for which the name sp. nov. is proposed, with THG-SQA8 as the type strain ( = CCTCC AB 2014317 = KCTC 42503).


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