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A novel, strictly anaerobic, hydrogenotrophic methanogen, strain E09F.3, was isolated from a commercial biogas plant in Germany. Cells of E09F.3 were Gram-stain-negative, non-motile, slightly curved rods, long chains of which formed large aggregates consisting of intertwined bundles of chains. Cells utilized H+CO and, to a lesser extent, formate as substrates for growth and methanogenesis. The optimal growth temperature was around 40 °C; maximum growth rate was obtained at pH around 7.0 with approximately 6.8 mM NaCl. The DNA G+C content of strain E09F.3 was 39.1 mol%. Phylogenetic analyses based on 16S rRNA and gene sequences placed strain E09F.3 within the genus . On the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity, strain E09F.3 was closely related to C but morphological, physiological and genomic characteristics indicated that strain E09F.3 represents a novel species. The name sp. nov. is proposed for this novel species, with strain E09F.3 ( = DSM 29428 = JCM 30569) as the type strain.


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