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An extremely haloalkaphilic archaeon, strain T26, belonging to the genus , was isolated from sediment of the soda lake Bange in the region of Tibet, China. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities showed that strain T26 was closely related to 167-74 (98.4 %), XH-48 (97.5 %) and 194-10 (96.8 %). Strain T26 grew optimally in media containing 25 % (w/v) salts, at pH 9.0 and 37 °C in aerobic conditions. Mg was not required for growth. The cells were motile, pleomorphic and Gram-stain-variable. Colonies of this strain were pink pigmented. Hypotonic treatment caused cell lysis. The polar lipids of the isolate consisted of CC and CC derivatives of phosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylglycerol phosphate methyl ester and minor phospholipids components. Glycolipids were not detected, in contrast to the two neutrophilic species of this genus. The genomic DNA GC content of strain T26 was 60.1 mol% and DNA–DNA hybridization showed a relatedness of 19 and 17 % with CECT 7631 and CECT 7116, respectively. The comparison of 16S rRNA gene sequences, detailed phenotypic characterization, polar lipid profile and DNA–DNA hybridization studies revealed that strain T26 belongs to the genus , and represents a novel species for which the name sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is T26 ( = CECT 8219 = IBRC-M 10759 = JCM 18750).

This study was supported by the:
  • Quality of Life and management of Living Resources Programme of the European Commission (Award QLK3-CT-2002-01972)
  • Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (Award CGL2013-46941-P)
  • Andalusian Council (Award P10-CVI-6226)
  • General Defence Secretariat/National Armaments Directorate of the Italian Ministry of Defence (Award 1353)

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