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Strain P-2P44T was isolated from creosote-contaminated marine sediments by using a most-probable number procedure in which phenanthrene was the sole carbon and energy source. Growth experiments showed that P-2P44T utilized several two- and three-ring polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) as substrates, including naphthalene, 2-methylnaphthalene and phenanthrene. Additionally, gas-chromatography experiments showed that P-2P44T degraded several other PAHs, though it was unable to use them as sole sources of carbon and energy. Phylogenetic analyses confirmed that strain P-2P44T is a member of the genus Vibrio, most closely related to Vibrio splendidus. However, strain P-2P44T shared only 98.3% 16S rDNA identity and 35% DNA-DNA reassociation with the type strain of V. splendidus. Strain P-2P44T differed phenotypically from V. splendidus. Together, these differences indicated that strain P-2P44T represents a novel species in the genus Vibrio, for which the name Vibrio cyclotrophicus sp. nov. is proposed; the type strain is P-2P44T (= ATCC 700982T = PICC 106644T).


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