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Genetic variation among 35 strains representing the four currently recognized species of ( and ) was estimated by analysing the electrophoretic mobilities of nonspecific esterases, acid phosphatase, lactate dehydrogenase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase isoenzymes. Twenty-two electrophoretic types were identified, a result in agreement with the phenotypic and genetic polymorphisms reported for this group of yeasts. However, the four species were clearly distinguishable based on the patterns obtained using three of the enzymes assayed, the resolving power not being improved by the introduction of data correspondent to lactate dehydrogenase. The overall diversity was higher among isolates, in contrast with which showed only two patterns, one of which was common to four of the five strains studied. Concordant results from the application of the method and DNA hybridization experiments demonstrate its value for identification purposes.


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