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Six alginolytic, facultatively anaerobic, non-motile marine bacteria were isolated from the gut of abalone . DNA-DNA hybridization data showed that the six strains constituted a single genospecies. Phylogenetic analyses of 16S rDNA sequences indicated that the isolates should be assigned to the genus . The phenotypic features of the isolates were closely related to and biovar I, but 13 traits (motility, luminescence, alginase production, lipase production, lysine decarboxylase, indole production, growth in 1 and 6% NaCl and assimilation of five carbon compounds) distinguished these strains from , and 17 traits (motility, growth at 37 °C, lipase production, indole production, growth in 1 and 6% NaCl, acid from sucrose and -sorbitol, and assimilation of nine carbon compounds) distinguished these strains from . The G+C content of the isolates was 41·6–43·1 mol%. According to DNA-DNA hybridization data and 16S rDNA phylogenetic analyses, it was concluded that the six isolates constitute a new species different from any other species. The name sp. nov. (type strain IAM 14596) is proposed. A set of phenotypic features which enables differentiation of the new species from other species of the family is described.


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