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A new bacterial species is described, for which the name is proposed. This organism causes potato () scab in eastern Hokkaido, Japan; the lesions caused are distinctly erumpent. In culture, is distinct from other scab-causing species, having flexuous spore chains and grey mass colour. The spores of this organism are cylindrical and smooth. Its cell walls contain the LL-diaminopimelic acid isomer, and its DNA G+C content is 71 mol%. does not produce melanin or other diffusible pigments, does not grow on agar media at pH 4·0 or 37°C, is positive for utilization of raffinose and inulin as a carbon source, and is sensitive to streptomycin (20 μg ml), penicillin G (10 IU ml), polymyxin B (15 μg ml), and thallium acetate (10 μg ml). The levels of DNA relatedness within strains are high but relatedness between strains of this species and strains of and are low. The type strain is SY9113(= ATCC 700248= IFO 16080).


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