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Thirty-three previously non-typable faintly pigmented Gram-negative anaerobic bacterial isolates, biochemically most closely related to and , were analysed for enzymic reactions, cellular fatty acid (CFA) composition, electrophoretic mobility of malate and glutamate dehydrogenases, hybridization with and species-specific oligonucleotide probes and, for genetic heterogeneity, by arbitrarily primed PCR (AP-PCR). ATCC 25611 and ATCC 33563 were run in parallel for comparison. Twenty-nine isolates originated from the normal oral flora of 18 subjects (including five mother-child pairs), and four isolates from various infections. Except for a negative lipase reaction, enzymic profiles of the test isolates were similar to those of and . Clustering of CFAs, electrophoretic mobility patterns, hybridization with DNA probes for and , and AP-PCR band patterns of the test isolates differed from those of the type strains of and , suggesting the existence, in humans, of a new anaerobic species of pigmented, moderately saccharolytic, indole-positive Gram-negative rods.


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