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Two moderately halophilic, gram-positive, heterotrophic bacterial strains were isolated from hypersaline sediments of the Great Salt Lake in Utah. These two strains, designated SL-4 (T = type strain) and SL-5, were motile, spore-forming, strictly aerobic rods which contained peptidoglycan of the Orn--Asp type in their vegetative cell walls. The guanine-plus-cytosine contents of the DNAs of strains SL-4 and SL-5 were 42 and 43 mol%, respectively. A detailed investigation of the phenotypic and phylogenetic characteristics of these organisms revealed that each isolate represents a new species that is closely related to , a moderately halophilic, spore-forming coccus. Phylogenetic data indicate that there is only a distant relationship between and , the type species of the genus . The sequences of the 16S rRNA genes of strain SL-4 and DSM 5351 were determined. We propose that a new genus, , should be created; this genus includes (formerly ) as the type species, as well as DSM 10405 (= SL-4) and DSM 10404 (= SL-5).


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