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Two new species, and are proposed for black-pigmented, asaccharolytic, anaerobic, nonmotile, non-spore-forming, gram-negative, rod-shaped organisms. These organisms were isolated from the gingival crevicular fluids of beagles. and do not grow in the presence of 20% bile. They exhibit less than 5% DNA-DNA homology with the type strains of (strain ATCC 33277), (strain ATCC 35406), and (strain ATCC 25260), which were isolated from humans, or with the type strains of (strain NCTC 11632) and (strain NCTC 12469), which were isolated from cats. The major cellular fatty acid of and is 13-methyltetradecanoic acid (iso-C acid). Glutamate and malate dehydrogenases are present in both species, and 6-phosphogluconate and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenases are absent; neither organism exhibits trypsin activity. and produce large amounts of acetic and isovaleric acids and minor amounts of isobutyric and succinic acids as end products of metabolism in GAM medium. also produces large amounts of butyric acid and small amounts of propionic acid, while produces large amounts of propionic acid and minor amounts of butyric and phenylacetic acids. The G+C contents of the DNA of is 41 to 42 mol%; the G+C content of the DNA of is 44 to 45 mol%. Catalase is produced by but not by strains of agglutinate sheep erythrocytes, but strains of do not. The type strain of is NUM 301 (= ATCC 55562), and the type strain of is NUM 402 (= ATCC 55563).


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