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Phylogenetic relationships among strains of and related taxa were determined by 16S rDNA sequencing and genomic DNA hybridization techniques. The 16S rRNA gene was amplified by the polymerase chain reaction with a pair of eubacterial consensus primers and sequenced directly by using an automated fluorescent DNA sequencer. Sequence comparisons and distance matrix tree analysis revealed that IAM 12136 (= N. C. Dondero 106, type strain) and sp. ATCC 19324 formed a lineage with in the β subclass of IAM 12670 (= P. R. Dugan 115) was shown to belong to another cluster with and in the β subclass. In contrast, IAM 12669 (= K. Crabtree I-16-M) proved to be a member of the ± subclass of the , closely related to Genomic DNA hybridization studies also showed that there is genetic diversity among the strains currently designated , but typical strains, characterized by their production of rhodoquinones, are highly related to each other and can be regarded as a single species. On the basis of the molecular data, together with the early phenotypic and chemotaxonomic information, we have emended the generic description of .


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