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Five strains isolated from mussels (harvested off the Atlantic Spanish coast in 1985 and 1986) were found to be phenotypically distinct from previously described species. They showed 94 to 100% intragroup relatedness as determined by DNA-DNA hybridization (S1 nuclease method) but were found to be only 1 to 25% related to other species. These strains have all of the properties that define the genus and can be clearly differentiated from other species by their positive responses in tests for Thornley's arginine dihydrolase, gas production from glucose, growth in media containing 10% NaCI, and acid production from sucrose, L-arabinose, D-xylose, and D-cellobiose and their negative responses in tests for lysine decarboxylase, the Voges-Proskauer reaction, growth without NaCI and at 40°C, hydrolysis of gelatin, casein, starch, DNA, and alginate, and acid production from D-mannose. The G+C ratio of the DNA is 45 to 46 mol%. The name is proposed for the new species; strain 165 (= CECT 632) is the type strain.


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