

A new species of the genus , for which we propose the name sp. nov. (type strain, strain DSM 44048), was isolated from a salt marsh soil sample near Alicante, Spain. Whole-cell hydrolysates contain the isomer of diaminopimelic acid and no characteristic sugar; thus, the cell wall composition is type III. Menaquinone MK-10(H) is the major menaquinone, and the phospholipid type is type PHI (phosphatidylcholine present). Spore chains are rectiflexibilis, and in the early stages of sporulation zig-zag-shaped aerial hyphae are observed. This microorganism produces compatible solutes of the ectoine type and is characterized by a yellowish to yellowish brown substrate mycelium and a white aerial mycelium. This organism exhibits only 40 to 50% DNA relatedness to other spp.


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