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A group of 11 strains, mostly isolated from sewage water in the Province of Navarra, Spain, were found to constitute a DNA relatedness group which is 2 to 39% related to 23 species of the genus and 2 to 3% related to two species. Phenotypically, these strains have all of the properties that define the genus . However, they differ from the previously described species by three or more properties. The strains are negative for arginine, ornithine, and lysine decarboxylase activities and the Voges-Proskauer test and are unable to utilize putrescine, gluconate, glucuronate, and histidine. They utilize and produce acid from sucrose and grow at 40°C. All strains grow in the presence of 0.5% (wt/vol) NaCl, and seven strains grow weakly in peptone water lacking NaCl. The group of strains which we studied can also be differentiated from other species by fatty acid content. The G + C ratio of the DNA is 45 to 47 mol%. The name sp. nov. is proposed for these strains; strain 1397-6 (= CIP 103381) is the type strain.


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