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Deoxyribonucleic acid relatedness studies (S1 nuclease method) showed that 23 unidentified strains form two homogeneous genomic species related 1 to 9% to 24 type strains representing known species. These new species were named and . Strains of were susceptible to novobiocin, produced a fibrinogen affinity factor, and failed to produce coagulase, heat-stable nuclease, and staphylokinase. strains differed from (the phenotypically closest species) by production of ornithine decarboxylase and the fibrinogen affinity factor. The guanine-plus-cytosine content of the deoxyribonucleic acid was 32 mol%. The type strain is N860297 (= ATCC 43809). Strains of were susceptible to novobiocin, produced a heat-stable nuclease and a fibrinogen affinity factor, and failed to produce coagulase and staphylokinase. strains differed from by production of an antigenically different heat-stable nuclease and the lack of pigmentation, free coagulase, protein A, and β-ribitol teichoic acid. The guanine-plus-cytosine content of the deoxyribonucleic acid was 37 mol%. The type strain is N850274 (= ATCC 43808).


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