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The genome sizes of the type strains of the sterol-requiring organisms Anaeroplasma abactoclasticum and Anaeroplasma bactoclasticum and of a sterol-nonrequiring obligately anaerobic mollicute, strain 161, were determined by the renaturation method of Wetmur and Davidson. The genome molecular weights of the three strains were almost identical (viz., approximately 109). This value is identical to the genome molecular weights of members of the family Spiroplasmataceae in the order Mycoplasmatales and of the family Acholeplasmataceae in the order Acholeplasmatales. The guanine-plus-cytosine contents of the deoxyribonucleic acids of A. abactoclasticum, A. bactoclasticum, and strain 161, as determined by the buoyant density method, were found to be 30.1, 32.8, and 39.9 mol%, respectively, thereby confirming results reported previously by other workers. The deoxyribonucleic acid base composition and genomic size are among the data needed to clarify the taxonomic status of the genus Anaeroplasma and of the sterol-nonrequiring anaerobic organism strain 161.
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