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A new subspecies, subsp. , is described to accommodate the bacterial symbionts of two undescribed species of , which are entomopathogenic nematodes. Strains of this subspecies are gram-negative, facultatively anaerobic, peritrichously flagellated rods. They occur in two forms; one of these forms is positive for pigmentation (brown), adsorption of bromothymol blue, and production of antimicrobial compounds, whereas the other form is negative for these characteristics. They are pathogenic when injected into insects. Like other strains, they are negative for catalase and nitrate reductase. All strains produced acid from glucose (no gas), dextrin, fructose, maltose, mannose, and trehalose, and some produced acid from glycerol, ribose, or salicin. The new subspecies is distinguished from the other three subspecies of by being positive for phosphatase and esculin hydrolysis. The type strain is strain Q58/1 and has been deposited in the University of Queensland Microbiology Collection as strain UQB 2871.


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