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We propose two new genera, and , to accommodate nocardioform actinomycetes having type IV cell wall composition and lacking mycolic acids. These two genera are distinguished from each other by phospholipid and menaquinone composition and phage sensitivity. The following species were assigned to the genus comb. nov. (type strain, strain ATCC 19727), comb. nov. (type strain, strain NRRL B16172), and comb. nov. (type strain, strain NRRL B16171). The genus includes comb. nov. (type strain, strain ATCC 19795), subsp. nom. rev., comb. nov., subsp. nov. (type strain, strain NRRL 2430), comb. nov. (type strain, strain ATCC 13685), sp. nov. (type strain, strain ATCC 43014), and sp. nov. (type strain, strain ATCC 27624).


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