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A new mesophilic, cellulolytic microorganism was isolated from a municipal dumping ground. The isolation of this bacterium was performed under anaerobic conditions, but its growth was similar under both anaerobic and aerobic conditions. This gram-positive, nonmotile, coryneform rod, with a high (75.8 mol%) guanine-plus-cytosine content in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), can grow on numerous carbon sources. The fermentation products are acetic acid, ethanol, formic acid, succinic acid, CO, and, occasionally, lactic acid. Nucleic acid hybridization tests between the DNA of the isolate and the DNA of ATCC 21399 showed some partial (37 to 40%) relatedness. This information, in addition to other data, suggests that this organism belongs to the genus , and it is proposed here as a new species, sp. nov. The type strain is M (DSM 3133).


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