
The historical and present taxonomic and nomenclatural status of the following taxa were examined: “”Günther 1894, “”Mudd and Warren 1923, “” Lehmann and Neumann 1927, “” Galarneault and Leifson 1956, “”Davis and Park 1962, “” Hugh 1962, “” Hugh 1965, “” Gray and Thornton 1928, “” Gray and Thornton 1928, “” Gray and Thornton 1928, and “”Nozhevnikova and Zavarzin 1974. Most of these organisms have been misnamed. Deoxyribonucleic acid-ribosomal ribonucleic acid hybridization experiments localized “. ” (“. ”) NCIB 8193, “. ” NCIB 2582, and “. ” NCIB 2581 on the ribosomal ribonucleic acid branch in the direct Vicinity of . Deoxyribonucleic acid-deoxyribonucleic acid hybridization experiments, serological studies, gel electropherograms of soluble proteins, and a numerical analysis of phenotypic features supported placement of these strains and clinical isolate CCUG 12940 in a single taxon, for which we propose revival of the name Hugh 1962. The type strain is strain NCIB 8193 (= ATCC 8461 = LMG 1253 = CCUG 15327). . is the type species of the genus Davis and Park 1962 nom. rev. An extensive phenotypic description of is given, and this species can be differentiated from . and . .”” NCIB 4854 is misnamed and was found to be very closely related to . . “. ” NCTC 9239 was found to be misnamed and is closely related to , which is itself inappropriately retained in the genus . The classification of “. ”NCIB 8194 as is confirmed. “. ” DSM 1231 and “. ”ATCC 14635 (the so-called synonymous strain of “. ” NCIB 2581) are definitely not members of . . These two strains differ considerably from each other, as well as from all of the other strains investigated; their exact taxonomic position is unknown.


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