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Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)-ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) hybridizations were carried out between 23S C- or H-labeled rRNAs from type strains ATCC 13525, ATCC 15668, ATCC 11696, and NCPPB 528 and DNA from one or more strains of several taxonomically assigned or unassigned phytopathogenic species. The strains were assigned to one of the following rRNA branches: (i) the . rRNA branch (the authentic pseudomonads), containing also , , , , , , , (. pathovar , . pathovar , and . pathovar ), , the group (including “,” “,” “,” “,” “,” “”, “,” “,” “” “,” “,” “,” “,” “,” “,” “,” . , “,” and “”), , , and “;” (ii) . rRNA branch, containing P. , (synonym, “”), , , (synonyms, “” and “”), , , and ; (iii) the . rRNA branch, containing also “” (synonym of ), subsp. , , and “;” and (iv) the rRNA branch, containing . , , “,” , “,” “,” and “.” and definitely have to be removed from the genus . , and “” are heterogeneous and require additional examination.


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