
The name is proposed for a new species of the genus . The type strain is strain UQM 2507, which was isolated from a freshwater swimming pool. is a yellow, gram-negative, oxidase-positive organism with rod-shaped or wedge-shaped cells with straight or slightly curved axes. Each cell has a simple mucilaginous holdfast at its nonreproductive pole by which it attaches to other cells or to solid surfaces to form rosettes. Reproduction occurs by asymmetric division (budding) of the mother cell to produce a spherical or ovoid daughter cell (bud). The free bud cells are motile, and each has a single polar flagellum. This organism is strictly aerobic and chemoorganotrophic. The guanine-plus-cytosine content of the deoxyribonucleic acid of the type strain is 65 mol%. The description of the genus is emended to include motile organisms and physiological information lacking because a culture of the type species, , has never been isolated.


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