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Two related but recognizably different forms belonging to morphotype V of the group of budding bacteria were observed during the summer of 1983 in two eutrophic man-made ponds in Tempe, Ariz. Each of these forms can be assigned to previously described species of the genus ; because these forms were not included in the 1980 (Skerman et al., ed., Int. J. Syst. Bacterid. 30:225–420), they need to be formally revived. One of these forms (morphotype Vb) is assigned to (ex Wawrik 1952) sp. nov., nom. rev.; the other form (morphotype Va) is assigned to (ex Hortobágyi 1965) sp. nov., nom. rev. Neither species has been cultivated axenically; hence, both are based on type descriptive material.


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