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A mycoplasma designated strain R171 (type strain) was isolated from the infraorbital sinus of an adult chicken. This organism was assigned to the class and the order on the basis of its morphological, physical, and cultural characteristics. Its deoxyribonucleic acid base composition was 24.5 mol% guanine plus cytosine. Strain R171 was sterol dependent, and since it did not produce helical forms or hydrolyze urea, it was assigned to the family . Strain R171 fermented glucose, hydrolyzed arginine, and produced films and spots. This strain was shown to be serologically distinct from 74 currently accepted mycoplasma species or serovars by growth inhibition, immunofluorescence, and immunodiffusion tests, which were supported in some cases by metabolism inhibition tests. Thus, strain R171 appears to be a new and distinct mycoplasma species, for which we propose the name (= NCTC 10191 = ATCC 35015).


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