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The complex (H. S. Vishniac and W. P. Hempfling, Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. :153–158,1979) consists of seven species possessing less than 52% deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)-DNA homology: , and five new species. Vishniac and Hempfling emend. auct. (additional characters include assimilation of -aspartate, -gluta-mate, 2-ketogluconate, and succinate) includes var. var. nov. (MYSW 304Y268 = ATCC 36649) assimilating (besides substrates common to the species) -arabinose, citrate, -proline (weakly), sucrose, raflfinose, and -rhamnose (weakly); var. var. nov. (MYSW 303Y216 = ATCC 46404), differing from var. in assimilating fumarate and -malate but not -arabinose, citrate, sucrose, and raffinose; var. var. nov. (MYSW 302Y312 = ATCC 46402), differing from var. in assimilating fumarate and -malate but not -arabinose or citrate; and var. var. nov. (MYSW 302Y265 = ATCC 46403) differing from var. in assimilating cellobiose, methyl-α--glucoside, and salicin but not -proline or -rhamnose. sp. nov. (MYSW 302Y310 = ATCC 46399) differs from in being suppressed by 0.05 μg of cycloheximide ml and differs from all other described yeasts in that it produces cream-colored colonies, utilizes NO -N, and assimilates -arabinose, cellobiose, melezitose, and -rhamnose but not -galactose, myo-inositol, or -mannitol. sp. nov. (MYSW 302Y259 = ATCC 46400) differs from all other described yeasts in that it produces cream-colored colonies, utilizes NO -N, and assimilates -arabinose, cellobiose, 2-ketogluconate, and melezitose but not -mannitol or succinate. sp. nov. (MYSW 306Y212 = ATCC 46401) differs from all other described yeasts in that it utilizes NO -N and assimilates melezitose and -xylose but not -mannitol, salicin, or succinate. sp. nov. (MYSW 303Y336 = ATCC 46405) differs from all other described yeasts in that it produces cream-colored colonies, utilizes NO -N, and assimilates -arabinose, melezitose, salicin, and -xylose but not cellobiose or -mannitol. sp. nov. (MYSW 303Y206 = ATCC 46406) differs from all other described yeasts (except in producing cream colonies and in utilizing NO -N and assimilating cellobiose, citrate, and melezitose but not -arabinose, glycerol, or -mannitol. is phenotypically most similar to var. , differing from it by assimilating fumarate (weakly) and -malate but not -arabinose. Keys for yeast identification should include varietal listings.


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