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Comparative chemical, biochemical, and in vitro genetic analyses of ATCC 14852, . ATCC 13548, and . ATCC 29750 have demonstrated that these strains were misidentified and that they should be assigned to the genus . (Names in quotation marks are not on the Approved Lists of Bacterial Names, have not been validly published since 1 January 1980, and therefore do not have nomenclatural standing.) Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)-DNA-hybridization experiments and other physiological and biochemical data indicated that . ATCC 14852 is a strain of . High DNA homology values also revealed that . ATCC 13548 and . ATCC 29750 are related to each other at the species level. Although they differ from most staphylococci in their production of class II fructose-1,6-diphosphate aldolase and in their cytochrome composition, they are, on the basis of their cell wall compositions, the low guanine + cytosine contents of their DNAs, and the results of DNA-ribosomal ribonucleic acid hybridization studies, genuine members of the genus . DNA-DNA hybridization experiments demonstrated that they are not closely related to any of the known species. It is proposed that these organisms represent a new species, namely, . . Strain ATCC 13548 is the type strain.


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