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We studied strains of subsp. isolated from intestinal adenomatosis from several sources. Our results supported the contention that this organism should be regarded as a distinct subspecies of However, since the name of this organism was not included on the Approved Lists of Bacterial Names, we propose it as a revived name (i.e., subsp. subsp. nov., nom. rev.). The type strain is FS253/72 (= NCTC 11000). The guanine-plus-cytosine content of the deoxyribonucleic acid of this organism supports its inclusion within the genus , but in its hydrogen dependence this organism shows clear similarities to the human oral vibrios and to However, “ subsp. possesses an unusual type cytochrome, and in this way it appears to differ from It may be differentiated readily from other members of the species by salt and glycine tolerance tests or by serological techniques.


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