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On the basis of their biological properties (cell morphology, staining reaction, cellular inclusions, guanine plus cytosine content of deoxyribonucleic acid, genome size, degree of deoxyribonucleic acid homology with [Approved Lists, 1980] strain PW8, pattern of enzymic capacities) and chemical structures (peptidoglycan type, major cell wall polysaccharide, characteristic fatty acids, major phospholipids and glycolipids), two brevibacteria are transferred to the genus (Bechdel, Honeywell, Dutcher, and Knutsen) Breed (Approved Lists, 1980) is transferred as (Bechdel, Honeywell, Dutcher, and Knutsen) comb. nov., and Okabayashi and Masuo (Approved Lists, 1980) is transferred as (Okabayashi and Masuo) comb. nov.


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