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In the course of a taxonomic study of methanol-assimilating yeasts, a number of isolates were obtained from various natural habitats in Japan, and from these three new species, , and , have been described. differs from the related species with respect to fermentation and assimilation of sugars, biotin requirement for growth, and lower maximum temperature for growth. differs from the related species and with respect to assimilation of sugars and proton magnetic resonance spectra of cell wall mannans. is similar to but differs from it with respect to fermentation and assimilation of sugars, lower maximum temperature for growth, higher deoxyribonucleic acid base composition, and proton magnetic resonance spectra of cell wall mannans. The type strains of these new species are KL 1 (=IAM 12481), KL 24 (=IAM 12484), and KL 30 (=IAM 12489), respectively. Cultures of the type strains have been deposited in the Institute of Applied Microbiology Culture Collection Center, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, and the Institute for Fermentation, Osaka, Japan.


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