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sp. nov. and sp. nov., both isolated from human clinical specimens, are described. They are species of obligately anaerobic, nonsporeforming, nonmotile, nonpigmenting, gram-negative rods that produce succinic and acetic acids (often with traces of isobutyric, isovaleric, and lactic acids) from peptone-yeast-glucose cultures. Gelatin, milk, casein, and meat are digested. Glucose, maltose, and starch, but not sucrose, are fermented. Most strains of also ferment lactose. Hemin is required for growth. Strains of these species are phenotypically similar to those of subsp. except that they do not form pigmented colonies. However, they do not show a high level of deoxyribonucleic acid/deoxyribonucleic acid homology with subsp. or with each other. ATCC 29426 (= VPI 8057) is designated the type strain of , and ATCC 29303 (= VPI 6822) is designated the type strain of .


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