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One hundred and five strains of gram-negative, fermentative bacteria, representing members of the together with strains of and , were subjected to numerical taxonomy and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)/DNA reassociation studies. The numerical taxonomy sorted the strains into major clusters corresponding to , the tribe , and Smaller clusters could be identified as , and species. Seven reference strains were used in the DNA/DNA reassociation studies. at 60 C shared reassociation values of 80 to 100% with other strains of , 37 to 64% with spp., and lower values with , and Phenetically, K. pneumoniae and shared high relatedness, although they are only 41 to 64% related in the reassociation studies., and showed little relatedness to any of the other strains included in this study. Both reference strains of shared genetic resemblances greater than 65% at 60 C with and at least 70% with other strains of Overall, the agreement between numerical taxonomy and the DNA/DNA reassociation studies was satisfactory, with correlation coefficients ranging from 0.5 to 0.9. The choice of reference strains may well affect the correlation between the two techniques, and it is suggested that hypothetical median organisms be determined from the phenetic groupings and that actual strains that approximate to the hypothetical median organisms be used as reference strains for DNA reassociation.


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