
This is the final major publication of a series describing the type or suggested neotype strains for a total of more than 450 species of actinomycetes. Type strains or suggested neotype strains for species previously placed in the genera Streptomyces, Actinomyces sensu Krasil&nikov, or Streptoverticillium have been obtained from original authors, culture collections, or other reliable sources for redescription by currently acceptable criteria and methods. More than 40 collaborating laboratories representing 18 nations have cooperated in establishing methods and criteria, in locating authentic type strains, and especially in laboratory studies required for the emendations to descriptions. Specimens of the redescribed type strains or suggested neotypes are deposited in the American Type Culture Collection, the Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, the U.S.S.R. Research Institute for Antibioties. and the Institute for Fermentation, Osaka, Japan. This report adds descriptions for 158 additional species, completing the major work of the project. Additional type strains will be studied, described, and deposited in collections as they become available.


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  253. Williams S. T. Hartley Botanical Laboratories, Univ, of Liverpool; Liverpool, England: Figures 16, 17b, 21, 35, 37b, 51b, 52b, 54, 55, 71, 72b, 78, 93b, 94b, 169, 170c, 171b, 172b, 189, 190b, 191, 192b, 193, 197, 198b, 199b, 200, 202, 207, 208, 219b, 220, 284b, 285b, 298, 299, 314.
  254. Wojewddzka Irena, Woznicka Wanda. Panstwowy ZakZad Higieny, Warszawa 12; Poland: Figures 32, 98, 181,212, 293,321a.
  255. Woznicka Wanda. Panstwowy ZakZad Higieny, Warszawa 12; Poland: Figures 10a, 11, 23b, 31b, 48, 180, 211b, 231,275,320

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