

There is an increased focus in the development of antimicrobials of herbs origin because they possess active chemotherapeutic effect on different kinds of infectious diseases. Many communities in Nigeria and other African countries use plants to treat various infections, including wounds. New antimicrobial agents are being developed in response to the emergence of resistance to existing antibiotics and antifungal agents. Lantana camara leaves are easily accessible at low or no cost in resource poor communities. The aim of this study was to determine the antimicrobial activity of Lantana camaraleaf extract against selected Candida isolates from infected wounds invitro and in vivo using animal models.


Aqueous and methanol leaf extraction was done using Soxhlet apparatus. TenCandidaisolates associated with wound infectionswere re-identified and used for the study. Antifungal susceptibility testing was done using the E-Test strips. Fifteen healthy male Wistar rats were used for the study. The rats were anesthetized before making incision wounds on the neck region. The rats were treated with 100mg/ml, 50mg/ml and 25mg/ml concentration of extract topically. The skin tissues of the sacrificed rats were obtained for histological examination using Heamatoxylin and eosin technique.


The susceptibility rate of the Candida isolates ranged from (0.0% - 40.0%). Fluconazole was the most effective antifungal. Isolates were most susceptible(40.0%)to 100mg/ml concentration of extract. Rats treated with 100mg/ml methanol extract had significant mean wound contractions of 70.33±0.58 withdamaged tissue repair.


Methanol extract of Lantana camara leafhas antimicrobial activity on Candidaisolates and topical healing effect on Candida.

  • This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.

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