
Large-scale mining and analysis of bacterial datasets contribute to the comprehensive characterization of complex microbial dynamics within a microbiome and among different bacterial strains, e.g., during disease outbreaks. The study of large-scale bacterial evolutionary dynamics poses many challenges. These include data-mining steps, such as gene annotation, ortholog detection, sequence alignment, and phylogeny reconstruction. These steps require the use of multiple bioinformatics tools and ad-hoc programming scripts, making the entire process cumbersome, tedious and error-prone due to manual handling. This motivated us to develop the M1CR0B1AL1Z3R web server, a ‘one-stop shop’ for conducting microbial genomics data analyses via a simple graphical user interface (Avram, ., Nucleic Acids Res., 2019). Some of the features implemented in M1CR0B1AL1Z3R are: (i) extracting putative open reading frames and comparative genomics analysis of gene content; (ii) extracting orthologous sets and analyzing their size distribution; (iii) analyzing gene presence-absence patterns; (iv) reconstructing a phylogenetic tree based on the extracted orthologous set; (v) inferring GC-content variation among lineages. M1CR0B1AL1Z3R facilitates the mining and analysis of dozens of bacterial genomes using advanced techniques, with the click of a button. M1CR0B1AL1Z3R is freely available at https://microbializer.tau.ac.il/ [https://microbializer.tau.ac.il/].

  • This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.

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