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Hantaviruses are a diverse group of single-stranded, negative sense RNA viruses, belonging to the Bunyaviridae family. They are primarily rodent-borne and transmitted into humans through the inhalation of aerosolised excreta of infected animals. Each hantavirus is typically associated with a single reservoir species, resulting in a persistent, yet asymptomatic infection. In humans, however, in addition to asymptomatic infection two disease syndromes are associated with hantavirus infection, hantavirus haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) and hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS). Tatenale Hantavirus (TATV) was first isolated from field voles in NW England in 2013 and has since been detected at other sites in Northern England. However, only two small fragments of the L and S segments have been sequenced, precluding full phylogenetic characterisation of the virus. Field voles were sampled at two sites in Leicestershire (N=104) and Cheshire (N=12), and their lungs subjected to a degenerate pan-hantavirus RT-PCR assay, targeting a section of the polymerase gene. Eleven Cheshire and one Leicestershire sample were TATV positive, and were 94 % homologous across the amplicon. Illumina Hi-Seq sequencing revealed the complete coding regions of the Leicestershire isolate. Analysis of the sequence showed that TATV is most closely related to Khabarovsk virus, with a homology of 91%/88%/89 % (AA) across the L/M/S Segments, respectively. ICTV species demarcation requires an AA difference of >7 % across the S and M, TATV meets the requirement of a novel species. Retrieval of full coding sequence will allow further investigation into TATV, and its potential to infect humans through pseudotyping of the glycoproteins.

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