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To investigate the effect of daily toothbrushing with 0.2 % chlorhexidine digluconate (CHX) on the colonization of dental plaque by pathogens associated with pneumonia amongst non-ventilated adults with a neuro-disability.

Forty-nine patients living in long-term care were recruited. Daily toothbrushing with 0.2 % CHX gel was conducted for 48 weeks. Plaque accumulation was assessed and microbiological sampling was undertaken every 6 weeks.

At any one time point at least 65 % (=32) of subjects were found to harbour respiratory pathogens. Although there were significant changes in the proportion of individuals colonized over time with Gram-negative bacilli and the changes were not sustained. By week 48 there was no significant difference from the levels that had been recorded at baseline.

Bacteria known to be causal in pneumonia are present and colonize the dental plaque of non-ventilated adults with a neuro-disability. Daily toothbrushing with 0.2 % CHX gel did not produce a sustained reduction in intra-oral respiratory pathogen counts after 48 weeks.

  • This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial License.

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