Volume 1,
Issue 7,
Volume 1, Issue 7, 2019
- Abstracts from the Anaerobe Focused Meeting 2019
- Oral Abstract
The anaerobic skin colonizer Staphylococcus saccharolyticus, a possible agent of prosthetic joint infections, exhibits excessive genome decay
More LessHuman skin-colonizing bacteria can have double ‘personalities’, which muddles the distinction between commensals and pathogens. Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) are part of the normal skin microbiota, but some CoNS species can act as opportunistic pathogens.
The anaerobic CoNS species Staphylococcus saccharolyticus has not received much attention, although it is a frequent colonizer of human skin and associated with prosthetic joint infections. Therefore, we determined the frequencies of S. saccharolyticus on human skin and analyzed clinical and skin-derived S. saccharolyticus strains by genome sequencing and biochemical tests.
Analysis of skin samples from volunteers identified S. saccharolyticus on the forehead and in the elbow pit in approx. 20% of the samples. Genome sequencing revealed an unexpected feature of S. saccharolyticus: extensive genome decay, with over 300 pseudogenes, indicating ongoing reductive evolution. Many genes of the core metabolism are not functional, rendering the species auxotrophic for several amino acids, which could explain its slow growth, and the need for fastidious growth conditions.
In an attempt to evaluate the virulence potential of S. saccharolyticus, we determined abundantly secreted proteins: these included stress response proteins such as heat shock- and oxidative stress-related factors, as well as immunodominant staphylococcal surface antigens. The strains secrete lipases and a hyaluronic acid lyase; hyaluronidase as well as urease activities were detected with biochemical assays.
Our study revealed that S. saccharolyticus has adapted its genome, possibly due to a recent change of habitat; moreover, the data imply that the species has tissue-invasive potential and might cause prosthetic joint infections.
The use of MALDI-TOF MS as a rapid test to detect carbapenem resistance in Bacteroides fragilis
BackgroundThe frequency of resistance to carbapenems in Bacteroides fragilis isolates is rising and is conferred by a metallo-β-lactamase encoded by the cfiA gene. The utilisation of existing technologies such as MALDI-TOF MS (MTMS) may allow for the early detection of this important resistance phenotype.
Methods168 B. fragilis isolates were tested. Meropenem MICs were performed by agar dilution and the results interpreted using EUCAST guidelines. All isolates were identified to species level by MTMS and the presence of CfiA detected using the Bruker MBT subtyping module. The presence of the cfiA gene was confirmed by PCR. Next generation sequencing (NGS) was utilised for discrepant results.
Results108 isolates (64%) were phenotypically susceptible, with 98% of these testing negative for cfiA by both MTMS and PCR. 40 isolates (25%) were phenotypically resistant, of which 65% were positive by PCR and MTMS with 35% negative by both methods.
35% of positive isolates were found to have an IS element upstream of cfiA, and all had an MIC ≥ 64 mg/L.
Discordant results included two isolates which were susceptible, cfiA positive and IS negative, and three cfiA negative resistant isolates.
ConclusionOverall, a good correlation was observed between methods. Discrepancies highlight an important distinction between the presence of the cfiA gene and its expression.
Although a negative MTMS result does not rule out resistance, it is a rapid and valuable tool to guide early therapeutic decisions for this important pathogen.
- Poster Presentation
Investigating Gut Microbiota-Host Interactions in a Microaerobic Environment
More LessThe gut microbiota has an important role in maintaining intestinal health and protecting against enteric infections (colonisation resistance). Nevertheless the majority of these interactions haven't been explored, largely due to a lack of experimental model systems that can culture oxygen-sensitive commensals alongside intestinal cells. In this project, we have established a novel in vitro model system of the human intestinal epithelium (Vertical Diffusion Chamber, VDC) which also supports growth of strictly anaerobic bacteria. We have applied this system to investigate the interactions of gut symbiont Ruminococcus gnavus with a functioning mucus-producing epithelium, established using T84 and goblet-like LS174T cell lines, and its effect on infection with foodborne pathogen enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC).
Initial work focused on identifying a culture medium that supports R. gnavus and EPEC growth whilst maintaining epithelial integrity and barrier function. This has been achieved by establishing bacterial growth curves in different media and assessing epithelial barrier function by transepithelial electrical resistance and immunofluorescence staining (IFS) of tight-junction protein occludin. Further IFS demonstrated that introduction of LS174T cells to the epithelium causes mucin secretion and facilitates colonisation by R. gnavus. Co-culture of EPEC with R. gnavus reduces numbers of viable and adherent EPEC, but only when LS174T are present.
These data indicate potential colonisation resistance activity by R. gnavus, discovered by utilising a model system that supports anaerobic culture and a functioning epithelium side-by-side. Future work will investigate colonisation resistance activity for a panel of R. gnavus strains and attempt to elucidate mechanisms behind this activity.
Fastidious anaerobe agar (FAA) as a suitable medium for antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) of anaerobes by agar dilution
BackgroundAgar dilution is the reference method for antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) of anaerobes, but currently the only verified and published method utilises supplemented brucella agar, which is not readily available in the UK.
As FAA is often the medium of choice for primary culture of anaerobes in clinical laboratories, the aim of this study was to investigate the suitability of this medium as an alternative to brucella agar for the reference method.
MethodsOne hundred isolates submitted to the UKARU, all with pre-determined MICs to: clindamycin; meropenem; metronidazole; penicillin and doxycycline, were tested.
MICs were obtained by agar dilution using both in-house produced FAA, supplemented with 5% defibrinated horse blood, and supplemented brucella blood agar (BRU).
End points were selected according to CLSI guidance and interpreted using EUCAST clinical breakpoints for anaerobes (FDA guidance for doxycycline).
ResultsFor the majority of isolates the correlation between FAA and BRU MICs was good.
Errors were found for each antimicrobial, with the highest numbers recorded for metronidazole and doxycycline. The majority of errors were within 1-2 dilutions, but spanned the clinical breakpoints. Others were single replicate errors, which were anomalous against a minimum of three additional results.
Several species such as P. distasonis and C. ramosum demonstrated raised numbers of errors/variable results and will require further investigation.
ConclusionsOverall the reproducibility of agar dilution testing on FAA compared to BRU was good, suggesting that FAA is a suitable media for AST of anaerobes. Further assessment of several species is required.
Diversity of the class Coriobacteriia within different ecosystems
More LessMembers of the class Coriobacteriia are little studied, important fastidious anaerobes within the human gut microbiota. Collinsella aerofaciens is a core member of the gut microbiota that can present several different fermentation profiles within individuals, while Eggerthella lenta is implicated in xenobiotic metabolism. Recent ‘culturomics’ studies have greatly increased the number of Coriobacteriia recovered from human-associated samples, with the names of nine novel genera comprising 12 species published to date. However, the ecological range and genomic diversity of the class Coriobacteriia are poorly understood. Taxonomic assignments within the class Coriobacteriia are unclear, limiting the ways in which data from 16S rRNA gene-based diversity studies in humans and rodent models are interpreted.
Whole-genome and 16S rRNA gene sequences of members of the class Coriobacteriia were analysed and assigned to the families Atopobiaceae, Coriobacteriaceae and Eggerthellaceae. Inconsistencies between 16S rRNA gene sequence and whole genome sequence data deposited in public databases were identified. Newly annotated data searched against 85,000 16S rRNA gene sequence datasets included in the IMNGS (Integrated Microbial Next Generation Sequencing) database demonstrates humans and rodents harbour distinct Coriobacteriia populations. Members of the family Coriobacteriaceae predominate in the human gut, while Eggerthellaceae are more representative of the rodent gut. Metabolic capabilities of the three families of Coriobacteriia vary greatly, with Eggerthellaceae asaccharolytic compared with Coriobacteriaceae and Atopobiaceae. Correct annotation of Coriobacteriia in 16S rRNA gene (and by extension shotgun metagenomic) datasets is required to determine the contributions of these increasingly important bacteria to different ecosystems.
Engineering a synthetic gut model to explore Clostridioidesdifficile infections
More LessOur intestines play home to over one thousand bacterial species, often referred to as the gut microbiota. This microbiota profoundly affects our bodies, providing an array of benefits. Disturbances to this community are associated with pathogenic infection and diseases such as obesity, diabetes and inflammatory bowel disease. Our aim is to engineer a synthetic microbiota, with an emphasis on tracking individual species. Introducing this community into our in vitro gut epithelial culture system will provide insights into pathogen infection strategies, and mechanisms by which the microbiota generates resistance. This tool can be used for the screening of drug/probiotic candidates, potentially reducing the need for animals. Using PMA-qPCR we are able to track up to ten single species in a mixed biofilm. Clostridium difficile an opportunistic pathogen targets the gut during times of depleted microbiota. We have begun using our tracking technology to see how a representative microbiota reacts to a C. difficile invasion. Alongside this, we investigated the effect of the gut commensal - Bacteroides dorei on C. difficile utilizing classical quantification. In both a standard biofilm and in our in vitro model, we see a reduced number of C. difficile when in mixed culture.
Poo and Puns: The representation of Faecal Microbiota Transplants in English-language print media (2003 – 2017)
More LessThis study investigates how English-language news sources represented faecal microbiota transplants (FMT) between 2003 and 2017. In the context of this study, FMT is understood to be the process of transferring stool from a healthy donor to a recipient with a dysfunctional intestinal flora in order to repopulate their gut microbiome. A corpus of news articles on FMT, was produced by searching for ‘fa(e)cal microbial’, ‘microbiota transplant‘ and ‘stool transplant’ on the Nexis® UK news database, generating a corpus suitable for qualitative analysis (n = 504 articles). In order to uncover emerging social representations, we investigated press coverage of stool transplants, as well as broader themes associated with health and the gut microbiome. Our findings show that print media focused particularly on creating novel, mainly hopeful, social representations of faeces through wordplay and punning, side-lining issues of risk and fear. We also identify changing metaphorical framings of microbes and bacteria from ‘enemies’ to ‘friends’. Additionally, we found readers are familiarised with FMT through the depiction of the process as being both mundane and highly medicalised. We argue emerging media representations have the potential to shape more positive social representations of FMT in the general population, paving the way for FMT to become a more socially acceptable and effective medical procedure. Future research can build on this baseline in order to study how social representations circulate in the wider media and public sphere, and how they may change over time and differ between countries as research into FMT progresses.
The Sensitivity of PCR combined with the Specificity of Toxin Enzyme Immunoassay: Could an Ultra-sensitive Single Molecule Counting Technology Offer a Standalone Solution for Diagnosis of Clostridioides difficile Infection?
BackgroundClostridioides difficile infection (CDI) continues to cause significant morbidity and avoidable mortality worldwide. Results from an ultra-sensitive toxin immunoassay (Singlulex Clarity C. diff toxins A/B assay) were compared with those of various other diagnostic and reference methods/algorithms for the detection of C. difficile.
Methods293 residual clinical stool samples were tested using the Singulex assay. In total, 188 samples were tested by GDH and 239 were tested by PCR. All toxin B PCR (Serosep EntericBio C. difficile assay) positive samples (n=168) and prospectively tested GDH samples (n=97) were also tested using membrane-type toxin EIA (MT-EIA; Techlab Tox A/B Quik Chekò). Culture (alcohol shock and Brazier’s media; Oxoid) and ribotyping (capillary electrophoresis using Bidet et al. primers) information was available for 205 samples.
ResultsThe positive percent agreement (PPA) and negative percent agreement (NPA) of the Singulex Clarity C. diff toxins A/B assay compared with: GDH; toxin EIA; PCR; GDH/toxin EIA; GDH/toxin EIA/PCR; PCR/toxin EIA and culture were – 61% & 92%; 97% & 50%; 69% & 90%; 100% & 51%; 81% & 77%; 96% & 65%; and 69% AND 52% respectively.
ConclusionsThe Singulex Clarity C. diff toxins A/B assay had high PPA compared to toxin EIA and multistep algorithms ending with toxin EIA, and high NPA compared to PCR and a multistep algorithm ending with PCR. The Singulex Clarity assay has the potential to be used as a standalone test for CDI diagnosis; additional clinical studies are required and will soon be underway.
Using PCR in place of GDH as the first line assay in a two-step CDI testing algorithm – evidence of help not hindrance from samples processed at clinical microbiology laboratories in Wales
BackgroundGuidance recommends the use of a two-stage algorithm for diagnosis of Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI) utilising either PCR or a glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) assay as the first line screen. There is ongoing debate as to whether PCR is a hindrance due to fear of over-diagnosis.
MethodsBetween December 2017 and March 2019 over 65,000 tests for CDI were undertaken in Wales. PCR (Serosep EntericBio C. difficile assay) was employed as the first line test for 36% of samples with the remainder tested using a GDH assay (Techlab C. diff ChekTM -60). Positive samples were tested using a toxin EIA (Techlab Tox A/B Quik Chekò). Culture (alcohol shock & CCEY; Oxoid) and capillary electrophoresis PCR ribotyping were undertaken at the UK Anaerobe Reference Unit (UKARU).
ResultsThe proportion of samples testing positive using PCR and GDH was 5.2% and 8.3% with a toxin EIA positive percentage of 30% and 25% respectively. Of these samples 73% (n=2543) of GDH and 80% (n=974) of PCR positive samples were referred for culture and ribotyping.
No C. difficile was isolated from 15% of GDH and 10.5% of PCR positive specimens. Non-toxigenic strains were isolated from 6.6% of GDH and 0.2% of PCR positive samples and approximately equal proportions of both GDH and PCR positive samples were ribotyped (60% vs. 63% of 2125 samples).
ConclusionsThere was no evidence of increased ascertainment of CDI using PCR. In fact, culture and ribotyping demonstrated an improved specificity for PCR that is helpful for accurate CDI diagnosis.
Evaluation of MICROANAUT-S Anaerobes MIC broth microdilution panels for antibiotic susceptibility testing of anaerobes
More LessBackgroundAccurate and routine-friendly methods for MIC determination of anaerobes are demanded. Here, we evaluate the performance of a commercially available microdilution panel in comparison to a gradient MIC Strip test.
MethodsN=163 anaerobes clinical isolates (60 species, 23 genera) were tested with the MICRONAUT-S Anaerobes MIC panel (MERLIN Diagnostika, Germany). The same bacterial suspension was used for the panel inoculum, and for testing by MIC Strips (Liofilchem, Italy). The panels were incubated at 37 °C in anaerobic conditions for ≥24 h, and read visually. In case of no bacterial growth for the growth control, incubation was prolonged to 48-72 h. Results were interpreted according to EUCAST guidelines. Comparison was performed in terms of essential agreement, category agreement and error rates.
ResultsCategory agreement with MIC strips resulted overall 95% (from 95.6% to 100%). Essential agreement resulted 91.1% for piperacillin/tazobactam, and 95% for all the otherantibiotics. Overall, n=15 minor errors, n=2 major errors and n=5 very major errors were observed. For doxycycline, tigecycline and moxifloxacin (for which no breakpoints are available), MICRONAUT results diverged for ≤1 dilution fold from MIC Strips results. For most isolates (117/163) the panels were readable after overnight incubation, in 42 cases after 48 h, in 4 cases after 72 h.
ConclusionsThe MICRONAUT-S Anaerobes MIC panels proved to be a reliable microdilution method for antibiotic susceptibility testing of anaerobes, providing results consistent with gradient methodology, with both fast and slow growing species. The ease-of-handling and -result interpretation makes this method suitable for routine implementation.
Improving the surveillance of antimicrobial resistance trends amongst anaerobic oral pathogens
BackgroundOrofacial infections when treated by dental practitioners are not routinely sampled for culture and susceptibility testing. Consequently, antimicrobial resistant rates amongst the causative bacteria are unknown, hindering efforts to appropriately manage these infections and undertake surveillance of resistant rates. As part of the Cardiff health board leadership in patient safety quality improvement programme a multidisciplinary group was tasked with the aim of improving sampling practices.
MethodsDental professionals' limited knowledge regarding the role of diagnostic support and an associated lack of confidence in sampling procedures was addressed by the creation and distribution of training aids. Sampling and transportation kits were developed and transport routes identified enabling dentists within the community setting to send samples to the specialist microbiology services based at Cardiff University Dental Hospital [UDH]. All significant anaerobes were identified and antibiotic susceptibility testing undertaken via agar dilution through referral of isolates to the UK Anaerobic Reference Unit.
ResultsA 10% increase was seen in the proportion of pus aspirates being received in comparison to pus swabs. For the first time, pus aspirate samples have been received from community dental clinics. A vast diversity of anaerob species and susceptibility profiles have been identified. Increasing rates of resistance amongst Prevotella species to amoxicillin and clindamycin is of concern.
ConclusionThis project has shown that through educational interventions and support the barriers to the sampling of orofacial infections can be overcome. The ultimate aim is for all dentists in Wales to have access to diagnostic support.
Discovering a novel resistance gene for carbapenem resistance in Parabacteroides timonensis using Whole Genome Sequencing
More LessUp to 95% of the human microbiome consists of anaerobic bacteria. However, they are not as well studied as the aerobic bacteria. Among all anaerobes, the Bacteroides group is the best known and most studied. There has been an increase in carbapenem resistance in Bacteroidales strains without a known cause.
We isolated a Parabacteroides timonensis strain, related to Bacteroides, resistant for amoxicillin, clindamycin and meropenem.
The strain was sequenced using the Miseq (Illumina, San Diego, CA), followed by a de novo assembly using CLC workbench to create a draft genome. Resistance genes were detected with ResFinder (https://cge.cbs.dtu.dk/services/ResFinder/). Genome annotation was performed by RAST (http://rast.nmpdr.org/). Protein modeling was performed, on genes of interest, using Phyre2 (http://www.sbg.bio.ic.ac.uk/phyre2/html/page.cgi?id=index) and 3DLigandSite (http://www.sbg.bio.ic.ac.uk/3dligandsite/). FatCat (http://fatcat.burnham.org/) was used to do a pairwise structure alignment to compare protein structures.
The draft genome had a size of 6,356,323 bp, present on 95 contigs. Using Resfinder 1 resistance gene was found, tetQ. A possible novel resistance gene for a metallo β-lactamase related to cfiA was found using RAST. The protein model showed similarities with the model for cfiA and includes several Zn2+ ions, used by metallo β-lactamase to hydrolyze carbapenems.
Our results indicate the presence of a not yet described metallo β-lactamase. There are also indications that a conjugative transposon is present, enabling horizontal gene transfer. No erm genes, encoding for clindamycin resistance, were detected in the draft genome.
Authenticating Anaerobes – Use of MALDI-TOF MS to identify anaerobes in the NCTC Collection
More LessThe National Collection of Type Cultures (NCTC) is the world’s oldest repository of medically-relevant bacteria. NCTC contains 5,500 bacterial strains, 500 of which are anaerobes, with the collection regularly receiving new Type strains and recent clinical isolates.
Fastidious anaerobes pose a unique challenge during the authentication process. NCTC must ensure that the strains are free from contamination and that the organism survives the lyophilisation process. Species-level identification of anaerobic bacterial strains is achieved using a combination of the both MALDI-TOF MS and VITEK2 instruments.
This study evaluates the use of MALDI-TOF MS (Bruker) and VITEK2 (BioMerieux) to identify the anaerobic strains in the NCTC collection. 176 NCTC strains were tested on the MALDI-TOF platform and 60 strains were identified using VITEK2.
MALDI-TOF was able to identify 79% anaerobes to genus-level and 64% to species-level. In comparison the VITEK2 identified 68% to genus and 46% to species-level. The main limiting factor for both these platforms is the database. This may be due to novel anaerobe species NCTC receives not being present on the databases. In the event of no identification, 16S ribosomal RNA sequencing is employed. Furthermore, detection of specific characteristics is carried out by specialist reference laboratories in Cardiff and Colindale, ensuring a robust collection of anaerobic bacteria for use in research and as control strains.
Survival strategies of Clostridium difficile to fluctuating concentrations of oxygen
Oxygen and reactive oxygen species (ROS) can react with multiple cellular components, leading to the inactivation of a plethora of metabolic pathways. Therefore, organisms have systems to sense and eliminate O2 and ROS, contributing to their survival in the adverse host environment.
Clostridium difficile P28 is an anaerobic pathogenic bacterium that contains in its genome a flavodiiron protein (FDP) and a rubrerythrin (Rbr), that are putatively involved in the detoxification pathways used by this organism.
Flavodiiron proteins are widespread in all life domains, with a crucial role in O2 detoxification, through its reduction directly to water. FDPs are cytoplasmic enzymes with a minimal structural unit composed by two main domains, a metallo-β-lactamase domain, containing the catalytic diiron site, and a flavodoxin domain having a flavin mononucleotide. Rubrerythrins are generally considered to act as NADH-linked hydrogen peroxide reductases, thus eliminating this ROS, and are composed by two iron sites: a diiron center and a rubredoxin-like FeCys4 center.
In this work with characterized biochemically, spectroscopically, structurally and kinetically the FDP and Rbr and their two putative redox partners, a High Molecular Weight Rubredoxin (HRb) and a Rubredoxin (Rd). We confirmed the existence of direct electron transfer between HRb, Rd and FDP and also between HRb, Rd and Rbr. In addition, we also established the reaction rates for the reduction, by FDP, of O2(0.43s-1) and H2O2 (0.06s-1) and for the reduction of H2O2by Rbr (1.53s-1). The enzymatic activity of Rbr towards O2 was also investigated.
Romão, C.V., et al, 2016.JBIC., 21:39-52.
Martins, M.C., et al., 2019. FRBM, in press.
The role of metalloenzymes for the survival of the anaerobe Clostridium difficile during infection
More LessClostridium difficile is the most prevalent pathogen among all healthcare-associated infections. This anaerobic bacterium can colonize the human gut, typically following agents that disrupt the normal gut microbiota, like antibiotics. In the gut, C. difficile is subjected to oxygen, which it has to eliminate for survival. Its genome encodes for two flavodiiron proteins, capable to reduce oxygen to water. Besides, some FDPs also reduce NO to N2O, an important feature as a resistance mechanism towards the human innate immune system [1,2]. Flavodiiron enzymes are constituted by a minimal core of two domains: a metallo-β-lactamase-like one, harboring the catalytic center, followed by a short-chain flavodoxin [1,2]. More complex FDPs exist, with multiple extra domains and redox centers [1,2]. C. difficile contains a ‘classical’ FDP, and a very complex one, with an extra short-type rubredoxin domain followed by an NADH:rubredoxin oxidoreductase-like one [3]. The biochemical, redox and spectroscopic studies demonstrated that this enzyme receives electrons directly from NADH, reducing its substrates, precluding the need for extra partners. This FDP is selective for O2 (16s-1), almost 10x higher than with NO. The reactivity towards hydrogen peroxide, as an H2O2 reductase with formation of water, with a non-negligible turnover (2s-1) is a novelty in the field of FDPs. Site directed mutants revealed that the rubredoxin-like center is essential for electron transfer from NADH to the catalytic center.
[1] Martins et al, Free Rad. Biol. Med., in press, 2019.
[2] Romão et al, J. Biol.Inorg. Chem., 21,39-52, 2016.
[3] Folgosa et al, Sci.Rep., 8, 10164, 2018.
- Research Article
In vitro activity of Erythrophleum ivorense extract against the promastigote stage of cutaneous Leishmania parasite, a member of Leishmania (Mundinia) enriettii complex isolates from Ghana
Background. Cutaneous leishmaniasis causes physical disfigurement and impairment on affected individuals, however, little attention has been paid to it eradication. The situation of this neglected disease is complicated with the expansion of the non-human pathogenic Leishmania enriettii complex causing infection in humans. We have previously shown that the extract from Erythrophleum ivorense has leishmanicidal activity against promastigote stages of the L. enriettii complex isolate from Ghana and L eishmania donovani. The extract of E. ivorense has shown to have anti-inflammatory, wound-healing ability, antiallergic, antimalarial and antischistosomal activity. However, the concentration threshold of E. ivorense extract required for leishmanicidal activity against the emerging human pathogenic L. enriettii complex isolates is not clear.
Aim. To test for the concentration threshold of E. ivorense extract required to obtain ideal leishmanicidal activity against the promastigote stage of human pathogenic L. enriettii complex isolates from Ghana.
Method. The ethanolic leaf extract of E. ivorense was serially diluted and tested against the promastigote stage of the L. enriettii complex. Parasite inhibition was measured at 590 nm using a spectrophotometer after staining parasites with trypan blue. To select the threshold concentration for maximum inhibition of the promastigote stage of the L. enriettii complex, the concentration cut-off statistic was used.
Results. The MIC of E. ivorense extract for L. enriettii promastigote inhibition was 62.3 μg ml−1. The highest promastigote inhibition was observed at 72 h.
Conclusion. We show that a MIC of 62.3 μg ml−1 of E. ivorense leaf extract exhibits an ideal leishmanicidal activity against the promastigote stage of L. enriettii complex isolates.
Isolation and characterization of novel soil- and plant-associated bacteria with multiple phytohormone-degrading activities using a targeted methodology
More LessEthylene (ET), salicylic acid (SA) and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) are important phytohormones regulating plant growth and development, as well as plant-microbe interactions. Plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) naturally associate with plants and facilitate plant growth through a variety of mechanisms, including the ability to modulate the concentrations of these phytohormones in planta. Importantly, the wide presence of phytohormone degradation mechanisms amongst symbiotic and other soil- and plant-associated bacteria indicates that the ability to modulate phytohormone concentrations plays an important role in bacterial colonization and plant-growth promotion abilities. Obtaining phytohormone-degrading bacteria is therefore key for the development of novel solutions aiming to increase plant growth and protection. In this paper, we report an optimized targeted methodology and the consequent isolation of novel soil- and plant-associated bacteria, including rhizospheric, endophytic and phyllospheric strains, with the ability to degrade the phytohormones, SA and IAA, as well as the ET precursor, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC). By using an optimized targeted methodology, we rapidly isolated diverse soil- and plant-associated bacteria presenting phytohormone-degrading abilities from several plants, plant tissues and environments, without the need for prior extensive and laborious isolation and maintenance of large numbers of isolates. The developed methodology facilitates PGPB research, especially in developing countries. Here, we also report, for the first time, the isolation of bacterial strains able to concomitantly catabolize three phytohormones (SA, IAA and ACC). Ultimately, the described targeted methodology and the novel phytohormone-degrading bacteria obtained in this work may be useful tools for future plant-microbe interaction studies, and in the development of new inoculant formulations for agriculture and biotechnology.
Assessing the comparability of different DNA extraction and amplification methods in gut microbial community profiling
More LessAutomated, high-throughput technologies are becoming increasingly common in microbiome studies to decrease costs and increase efficiency. However, in microbiome studies, small differences in methodology – including storage conditions, wet lab methods, sequencing platforms and data analysis – can influence the reproducibility and comparability of data across studies. There has been limited testing of the effects of high-throughput methods, including microfluidic PCR technologies. In this paper, we compare two extraction methods (the QIAamp DNA Stool Mini Kit and the MoBio PowerSoil DNA Isolation kit), two taq polymerase enzymes (MyTaq HS Red Mix and Accustart II PCR ToughMix), two primer sets (V3–V4 and V4–V5) and two amplification methods (a common two-step PCR protocol and amplicon library preparation on the Fluidigm Access Array system that allows automated multiplexing of primers). Gut microbial community profiles were significantly affected by all variables. While there were no significant differences in alpha diversity measured between the two extraction methods, there was an effect of extraction method on community composition measured by unweighted UniFrac distances. Both amplification method and primers had a significant effect on both alpha diversity and community composition. The relative abundance of Actinobacteria was significantly lower when using the MoBio kit or Fluidigm amplification method, and the relative abundance of Firmicutes was lower when using the Qiagen kit. Microbial community profiles based on Fluidigm-generated amplicon libraries were not comparable to those generated with more commonly used methods. Researchers should carefully consider the limitations and biases that different extraction and amplification methods can introduce into their results. Additionally, more thorough benchmarking of automated and multiplexing methods is necessary to determine the magnitude of the potential trade-off between the quality and the quantity of data.
- Short Communication
Iclaprim reduces the incidence and severity of Staphylococcus aureus-induced septic arthritis in a murine model
More LessStaphylococcus aureus is the most common non-gonococcal aetiology of septic arthritis. The efficacy of iclaprim against S. aureus LS-1, a clinical strain identified from a patient with septic arthritis, was studied in MF1 mice to evaluate the activity of iclaprim, which is in clinical development, in preventing joint infections. Iclaprim (2.5–80 mg kg− 1) administered as a single dose via the tail vein reduced the incidence of S. aureus septic arthritis and mortality in an experimental murine model of septic arthritis.
- Case Report
An indolent case of isolated cerebral mucormycosis: an uncommon presentation
More LessIntroduction. This case is a presentation of isolated central nervous system (CNS) Mucormycosis in an immunocompetent patient. This case is unique in its demonstration of isolated CNS involvement while lacking clear evidence elucidating an entry point.
Case presentation. The patient is a 36-year-old man without a pertinent past medical history, who initially presented with altered mental status and a 5-day history of progressively slurred speech. His social history is significant for intravenous drug use and outdoor pest control work. The patient’s head computed tomography (CT) scan without contrast demonstrated the presence of possible bilateral infarcts or masses involving the basal ganglia and periventricular white matter. The patient then progressed to facial diplegia with new onset hemiplegia. High-dose steroids were initiated due to concern for neurosarcoidosis. A lumbar puncture was ordered due to minimal improvement and suggested an inflammatory process. A stereotactic brain biopsy was then performed, demonstrating non-caseating granulomatous inflammation with giant cells. Liposomal amphotericin B was added to cover possible fungal etiology. The pathology report was consistent with an isolated cerebral mucormycosis infection. The etiology remained elusive with clear paranasal sinuses and no cutaneous manifestations. Due to extensive gray matter involvement, the patient was not a candidate for surgery.
Conclusion. This is a report of mucormycosis in a seemingly immunocompetent patient with either isolated CNS involvement or disseminated mucormycosis without an identifiable source. Although this patient did have two risk factors including intravenous drug use and outdoor working history, his lack of peripheral involvement demonstrates an uncommon presentation.
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