
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)-DNA hybridization and numerical analysis of electrophoretic protein patterns were carried out to determine the taxonomic position of 37 “-like” strains from nonclinical origin (soil and water) and previously studied by numerical taxonomy (group L of Gavini et al., Ann. Microbiol. [Inst. Pasteur] 128B: 45-59, 1977). The DNA interrelatedness for 20 selected strains of group L was at least 87%, except for two strains (63 and 69%). Protein electrophoretograms indicated likewise that at least 85% of the L strains constitute a genetically homogeneous group. The latter technique enabled the distinction of strains of group L from those of , and an unnamed cluster (group K) related to and . On the basis of their phenotypic characters, protein electrophoretic patterns, and DNA-DNA relatedness, we propose for these strains the name sp. nov., with strain CIP 80-07 (= CUETM 77-176) as the type strain. The DNA of this strain was found to be 49 to 64% homologous to DNA, 48 to 63% to DNA, and 51% to DNA.


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